Product Description
Korean Black Jade PYRANYA is generate FIR (Far infrared rays) when heated & also release negative ions which is very beneficial for health. This incredible Ceramic is associated with protection, grounding, health, happiness, luck and positiveness . Pyranya has been used since ancient times by shamans and healers for protection. Pyranya is considered by many to be the most powerful protective Ceramic and it is one of the only Ceramic that protects and heals on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Strengthens immunity.
Relieves stress and anxiety Promotes detoxification.
Increases alertness.
Supports organs. Eliminates toxic heavy metals.
Helps circulation.
Improves metabolism.
Improves self confidence.
Grounds energies associated with root chakra.
Balances and clears chakras and aura.
Following are just some of its incredible benefits: Protects from negative energies – transmutes negative energies of all kinds (including thoughts) into positive energies receives the negative energy or psychic attack and transmutes it BACK to the sender. For more information on negative energies, electromagnetic radiation—from TVs, computers and mobile phones.